candle making - it just makes sense!
Making candles to go with all the jesmonite design pieces is just a match made in heaving right?
So I ventured into the world of candle making. Here are my comments after 2 months of testing.
The Mix
Making candles is sooo soothing and one should think that its just about getting some paraffin or stearin and then wuup - Candles done and ready for the shop.
I have watched plenty of youtube videos and googled anything related to candle making, and it is just such a huge information overload, that I don't even know where to start.
So I decided to just test it out, try something and see how it goes.
The basics are:
Candle ingredients are very different.
Soy pebbles are great for candle jars and glass containers, but they don't work well with candle molds.

So I tried and tested a candle mold with a soy base with a 10-20% paraffin blend and even though it looked really great fresh out of the mold, it did not do well once it was burning. it only took about an hour and it was one hot mess all over my living room table as soy has a very low melting temperature and thats the reason why its recommended only for jars and glasses. I found out the hard way. Lesson learned.
Totally not a success!!
So I had to test some more and change up the blend.
Doing a 100% parafin mixture, the candle tends to just look very "plasticky" and store bought, and thats not a look I want in my shop. Also a pure parafin blend tends to give a lot of sink holes as they are called. Simply put - ones it cools down, holes form in the middle of the mold and you have to refill it and it can leave marks that make the candles less attractive and the colors seem to not match after a second pour.
So I settled on a 80% paraffin - 20% soy blend and it works really well. Sink holes are at a minimum and the texture is just great, so I'm gonna go for that for now, and I will also start experimenting with stearin as a blending option too.
When heating up the pebbles, there are sooo many rules depending on where you search for information, but I figured out that you heat it up slowly until melted, add color, stir, let it cool a bit before pouring. I have no idea what the temperature is, but it cannot get to boiling temperature as it ruins the crystals and makes the whole process of candle making impossible to predict.
The colors
There are a lot of different color options to chose from, but they can be quite expensive and hard to come by.
In general colors for candle making are solid and come in small pebbles, sticks, grinded or squares like chocolate. There are two main issues when it comes to coloring - Its expensive and difficult to re-create once you have a color you like.
So I went with a gut feeling and for some reason, a hunch I had from my school years - Crayons... they are wax based, come in many colors and are available in most bookstores, grocery stores etc. And the best part is, they are very inexpensive!

Its quite easy to measure the quantity of a crayon, 0,5 cm for light colors and maybe 2 cm for bright colors for a batch of 400 ml candle mix - that is quite inexpensive. Only downside is that it takes a while to dissolve, but for now I can handle that :-)
Molds and makes
So about 40-50 test candles later and purchasing molds like this one I was finally ready to make my first candles for the shop.

I wanted to start out with light color that are more of a pastel rather than bright colors, as they would work well with my jesmonite items that I have made for the fair in my hometown, and they turned out beautiful.
I simply love the cozyness it oozes out and I can't wait to make more.

For now I ran out of stock and sold all of fair, so I guess it was a huge success. Yay
Next stop is scented candles and new mixing methods with stearin and new Origami molds.

Lots of love and creative thoughts Sys