New Partnership with RUNT design
This week I have made a partnership with Stina from RUNT design, and I am so happy to be working with her.
She has a passion for sustainability and like me, she does not like to waste anything if we dont have to.
She is breeds rabbits and uses the very eco-friendly meat to cook, and she uses everything of the animal so that almost nothing is left for waste.
Now for some very Vegan extremists, that might sound awful, but plenty of studies show that breeding rabits for meat, is a very sustainable option and we use the fur to create items for reuse.
In that way we know that the animal had a good life, that the meat is organic and that nothing was wasted in the process, as they consume leftover greens and fruits and do not produce a lot of CO2.
In Denmark there is not a great tradition on eating rabbits, and we want to change that, as most other countries do have a tradition to do so.
The rabbit furs in the picture is snow white, black and brown and very beautiful and the process of tanning it, is both hard and exciting and both Stina and I will join a course to ensure that we do it the right way. That is one of the tasks for April/may
I will post here how it goes.
Greetings from CPH