Testing to find my own style
So these days I am super busy. I am working with some of the safe stuff, like jesmonite and standard glazed for my ceramic pieces. These pieces are fairly easy to make and to ensure consistant results so that I have items for my webshop amd the markets.
BUT… I need to find my own signature style that represents me. That is a lot easier said then done. Goid thing that I am a structured person. So this picture is from late nights testing fun

So the way I test new styles is that I take the standard glaze, either from a recipe or store bought, and then I add stains, flux or other additives to make it my own.
So up here I took small amounts of glaze and added stains in 0,5%, 1% and 3%. I do that to see what happens with it, when fired. Now the tricky part is that each stains coloring abilities differs. Take for example these two blue are very different so I will test them and see.

Apart from that I also test what happens ehen adding flux and crystals. So flux is different additives that will blend with your glaze color and add life to the piece. Let me show you

Its really hard to explain what it does, it makes the glaze come alive, changes the look and adds the color play to a piece.
So on a test piece it looks like this

I made a whole bunch of tests and I can’t wait until they are fired. Now a little prep went into this test, as I cannot just mix any glazes just like that. I use Mayco brush and stroke and a transparent glaze from Cerama 2209 and fire to cone 6. These go together in firing schedule as they can react quite a lot if fired to high.
All there is left now is to wait and let the kiln cool off.
I will add the test results to the blog when Ready. Crossing my fingers 🙏🏻
Have a great day ahead ☺️
Sussie Spize (my nickname in Dar when I used to live there)